- Cayman Kai Vacations
- Specializing in offering
- Vacation Rentals, Rental Management
and Investment Properties
- in the Cayman Kai/Rum Point
area, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
- If the Island House you are staying at does not
have enough amenities please review the items below.
- If you don't see something that you need, please do not hesitate to ask
- and will try to obtain the item
when we can.
Pictures of items are not the actual picture of item,
but used as a reference.
To "Reserve" any of these items, please advise us at the
time of booking.
All Prices are in USD.
Recommend booking in advance to insure availability.
All items are subject to availability.
Orders under $100 USD incur a $25.00 delivery fee.
Items are delivered the date of the guests arrival
and collected the morning of departure.
Payment (Cash in USD) is due the day of arrival to
Mitzie Tomlinson, Property Manager of The Island Houses
of Cayman Kai.
- Single Seat Kayak
- (with oars and one safety
- $26.50 per day or $185 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Double Seat Kayak
- (with two sets of oars
and two safety vests)
- $35.75 per day or $250 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Pack & Play Crib
- $9.50 per day or $65.00 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Crib Full Size
- $12.25 per day or $85.00 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Car Seat
- $4.50 per day or $30.00 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- High Chair
- $7.25 per day or $50.00 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Stroller
- $3.50 per day or $25.00 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Assorted Beach Toys
- $2.25 per day or $15.00 per week
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Foldable Beach Chairs
- $3.75 per day each or $25.00 per week each
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Bikes
- $6.50 per day each or $45.00 per week each
- Minimum of three (3) days
- Masks, Snorkel, Fins
- $5.75 per day per set or $40.00 per week
per set
- Minimum of three (3) days
Chair Floats
$2.85 per day per set or $20.00 per week
per set
Minimum of three (3) days
- Roll a Way Bed (each)
- $5.75 per day each or $40.00 per week each
- Minimum of three (3) days
Cayman Kai Vacations
Specializing in
"The Island Houses
of Cayman Kai"
- Vacation
Rentals, Rental Management
and Investment Properties
- in the Cayman Kai/Rum Point
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.

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Caribbean Vacation Grand Cayman
Island Houses Rentals, Cayman Kai, Rum Point, Grand Cayman, Cayman
